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Register for the
Catherine Mullins
Breakout Session:

Join us for an amazing night of Worship with Catherine Mullins. Join in with other believers from along the I-12 corridor and let's lift up the name of Jesus together!  This is not a ONE-CHURCH event, but a KINGDOM event!!  Let's lift up the King together!
Worship Team Workshop with Catherine & David
Register you and your team for the WORSHIP WORKSHOP  Saturday at 10am. This will be a time for Catherine to pour out into your teams including a question and answering session.  Her husband David will be teaching on the Technical Aspect of Leading Worship - Using Ableton Live, Click Tracks, etc.  It will all end with a time of prayer and impartation over your team!  **Limited space... Register quickly
Session ONE                     10:00am - 12:00noon
LUNCH (on your own)     12noon - 1:30pm
Session TWO                    1:30pm - 3:30pm

******************Mail-in Registration Option*******************
Provide First Name, Last Name, Phone #, Email, church affiliated with, and whether or not they would like to attend the 10am session. $20 registration per person.  Please include check written out to CCC mailed to:
Calvary Christian Center
C/O Catherine Mullins Breakout
P.O. Box 1345 Hammond, LA 70404
We can't wait to worship with you September 23rd!!

Calvary Christian Center

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